One of the best ways to remember a loved one is to talk about them.

One of the best ways to remember a loved one is to talk about them. Today we talked about and celebrated the life of Jaylon Craig. The Jaylon Craig Charity Organization (JCCO) was formed to be an active member of the community like Jaylon was, and award academic scholarships/bursaries to eligible recipients. Through their actions his memory will live on. Today I had the honour of attending with Councilor Victor Pietrangelo and MP Tony Baldinelli at the first of what will be an annual Family Fun Day celebration. Jaylon blessed us with good weather and great company.

Jim Diodati the Mayor of the City

Jim Diodati the Mayor of the City of Niagara Fall, Ontario together with the MP Tony Baldinelli, MMP Wayne Gates, staff, colleagues and other members of City Hall attend a well planned unveiling of a plaque, bench and planting of a tree in the honour of Jaylon Craig. It was well attended by family, friends and surrounded neighbours and some candidates that was running for election. Jaylon was loved by all, his friends and family and many who did not know him personally but came into contact with him. It was a great honour to see the well turned out event. A well known family friend Alicia Vianga spoke eloquently about the life of Jaylon on behalf of the family. Father Paul gave his blessings, while the Mayor Jim Diodati spoke on behalf of the City of Niagara Falls and their commitment from day one after the sudden passing of Jaylon to do something in his name and they did one year after his passing. Jaylon will be missed by all.

1st annual celebration of life at the Fire Mans Park Niagara Falls, Ontario.

On July 9th 2022, was the 1st annual celebration of life at the Fire Mans Park Niagara Falls, Ontario. We will like to thank all out sponsors and donors Alicia Vianga Founder & Executive Director of After Breast Cancer, Making Waves Swim School, Fielding Estate Winery and Mr. Malcolm Cho Kee of Kee Plus Realty LTD, Real Estate Brokerage.
Special guest were, The Mayor Jim Diodati, MP Tony Baldnelli and MMP Wayne Gates for attending.